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The best blogs for writers

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If you’re a writer constantly trying to improve your writing skills, you probably subscribe to a few blogs about writing, publishing, and marketing your book. But time is limited, so you can’t read them all, and there are so many blogs on writing out there that it’s hard to know which ones are worth reading.

I put together a list of my personal favorites. Here they are in alphabetical order:

  • Fiction University: Janice Hardy’s great blog about writing is updated every day.
  • Jami Gold: When it comes to craft advice for writers, Jami Gold’s blog is probably my favorite.
  • Jane Friedman: Jane Friedman, the former publisher of Writer’s Digest, blogs about the publishing industry in the digital age.
  • Jody Hedlund: Author and speaker Jody Hedlund blogs about writing every Tuesday.
  • Karen Woodward: Karen Woodward blogs about writing on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.
  • Kaye Dacus: Kaye Dacus, author of contemporary and historical romances, gives in-depth advice on the writing craft.
  • Kill Zone: Eleven thriller and mystery writers blog about writing, with a new post every day.
  • K.M. Weiland: K.M. Weiland, author of Outlining Your Novel, gives great advice on every aspect of writing a novel.
  • Live Write Thrive: Author, editor, and writing coach C.S. Lakin runs a great blog for fiction writers.
  • Marcy Kennedy: Marcy Kennedy, the author of the A Busy Writer’s Guide series, blogs about writing twice a week.
  • Positive Writing: Bryan Hutchinson provides tips on how to overcome fear and doubt as a writer.
  • Rachelle Gardner: Literary agent Rachelle Gardner doesn’t update her blog often, but when she does, the blogposts are always very helpful.
  • Sarah Negovetich: Author and agent Sarah Negovetich blogs about writing, publishing, and marketing your books.
  • The Creative Penn: Authorpreneur Joanna Penn blogs about writing, publishing, and marketing in the digital era.
  • Writer Unboxed: New advice on the craft and business of fiction by founders Therese Walsh and Kathleen Bolton and several other contributors.

What do you think? Are you reading any of these blogs? Which are your favorite blogs for writers?

2 Responses

  1. I just came across this list and saw my name on it! Aww, thank you! 🙂

    That’s a fantastic list of blogs I love too. Thank you so much for including me. 🙂

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