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Coming soon

Sandra Gerth is currently working on a new, improved website to bring you a wealth of helpful writing tips and advice to improve your writing skills.

In the meantime, please subscribe to her newsletter for writers below so you won’t miss the launch of the new website!

Receive free writing tips & a handy cheat sheet

Subscribe to Sandra Gerth’s newsletter to get writing tips and hear about the best resources for writers. As a welcome gift, you’ll also get the cheat sheet “20 Do’s and Don’ts of Writing Great Beginnings” sent to your inbox.

Sandra Gerth will never spam you or share your email with anyone. You can also unsubscribe at any time. For more information, see her privacy policy.

Take your writing to the next level with the Writers' Guide Series

Book cover of Goal Setting for Writers by Sandra Gerth

Discover how to set and achieve your writing goals, finally write a book, and become a successful author.

Book cover of Time Management for Writers by sandra Gerth

Find out how to write faster or write more, find the time to write your book, and be a more prolific writer.

Book cover of Point of View by Sandra Gerth

Explore the different POV types, avoid head-hopping, and choose the best point of view for your book.

Book cover of Show, Don't Tell by Sandra Gerth

Learn how to write vivid descriptions, handle backstory, and describe your characters’ emotions in a captivating way.

Book cover of Write Great Beginnings by Sandra Gerth

Master the best way to start a novel, hook your readers from page one, and avoid common first-chapter problems.

About Sandra Gerth

Photo Sandra Gerth

Sandra Gerth is an award-winning writer and editor.

She holds a degree in psychology and worked in the field for eight years before transitioning into a career as a full-time novelist.

Under her pen name, Jae, she has published twenty-four novels, which won numerous awards and earned Amazon best-seller status.

She’s also the author of the Writers’ Guide Series.

Where to get the Writers' Guide Series

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Legal notice

Information provided according to Sec. 5 German Telemedia Act (TMG):

Responsible for the content of this website: Sandra Gerth
Emma-Herwegh-Str. 14
79114 Freiburg
E-Mail: sandra@sandragerth.com

Attributions: This website use Bootstrap icons. Bootstrap Icons by the Bootstrap team is licensed under MIT license, docs CC BY 3.0. Font Awesome v4.7.0 (locally installed). Font Awesome is licensed under the SIL OFL license.

Webdesign: This website was designed and programmed by Katie Heart.

Last updated: January 2024

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Privacy policy

Welcome to sandragerth.com, where your privacy is as important to me, Sandra Gerth, as providing authors with a comprehensive platform that offers writing advice!

As the owner of sandragerth.com, based in Germany, I take privacy very seriously and am committed to protecting your personal information.

This statement governs my privacy policies with respect to all visitors of the website.
Responsible for this website
Sandra Gerth
Emma-Herwegh-Str. 14
79114 Freiburg

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Changes to my privacy policy

I may update my privacy policy from time to time to reflect changes in my website or privacy practices. I encourage you to check back periodically to review any changes.


Contact If you have any questions about this privacy policy, please contact me by sending me an email.

Last updated: January 2024