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Want to write a beginning that captures your readers’ attention from the very first line?

Download this free cheat sheet and discover 20 essential dos and don’ts to craft an opening that instantly hooks readers and keeps them turning the pages.

Take your writing to the next level with the Writers' Guide Series

Learn how to use the different  point of views and choose the best point of view for your book.

Learn how to write vivid descriptions, handle backstory, and describe your characters’ emotions.

Find out how to start a novel, hook readers from page one, and avoid common first-chapter problems.

Learn how to set and achieve your writing goals, finally write a book, and become a successful author.

Find out how to write faster, find the time to write your book, and become a more prolific writer.

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About Sandra Gerth

Photo Sandra Gerth

Sandra Gerth is a writer and an editor who divides her time between writing her own books and helping other writers revise theirs.

She holds a degree in psychology and worked as a psychologist for eight years and is now the senior editor of Ylva Publishing, a small press that publishes sapphic fiction.

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